
Armenians and our tragedies

Talib Musayev. Baku: Nurlar. 2008

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Armenian brutality

Fakhraddin Jafarov. Baku: Nurlar. 2009

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Indelible names, incurable wounds…

Habib Rahimoglu. Baku: Azernashr. 1997

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Lambali’s cry: a documentary narrative

Vali Lambeli, Bakir Abdurrahmanov. Baku: Azernashr. 1995

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Sisian – the land roasted in the pits

Vagif Bayramov. Sumgait: Bilik. 2014

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The capital of the Iravan khanate – the city of Iravan

Guntakin Najafli. Baku: Union of Azerbaijani Historians. 2017

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Zangezur: from the distant past to modern times

Musa Urud. Baku: Nurlar. 2016

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Sultan Bey and Khosrov Bey brothers

Ziyadkhan Nabibeyli. Baku: Nurlar. 2011

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Genocide of Azerbaijanis: 1917–1920 years

Vagif Abishov. Baku: Turkhan. 2013

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The population of the Iravan Khanate

Baku: Union of Azerbaijani Historians. 2017

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Our traces left in Zangezur

Vilayat Aliyev. Baku: Nurlan. 2004

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The Iravan Khanate: Khan’s Palace wiped out by Armenian vandals

Nazim Mustafa. Baku: 2016

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The land of wisdom: famous people of the Gafan Region

Rashid Tahmezoglu. Baku: Kismet. 2004

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Genocide against the Azerbaijani people in Zangezur: 1918–1920

Kamran Ismayilov. Baku: Elm. 2017

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The holy land of Oghuz people: Goycha

Salman Vilayetoglu. Baku, 2006

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Our historical tragedies: deportation, repression and genocide

Aslan Bayramov. Baku, 2015

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Districts of the Iravan Khanate

Guntakin Najafli. Baku: Union of Azerbaijani Historians. 2017

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Armenian forgery. History built on lies

Nazim Mustafa, Araz Gurbanov, Elshad Alili. Baku, 2018

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