
Black pages of history: Deportation. Genocide. Refugeehood

Vagif Arzumanli, Nazim Mustafa. Baku: Eagle. 1998

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Zangezur events

Sabahaddin Eloghlu. Baku: Azernashr. 1992

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The city of Iravan: how the Turkish-Islamic entity was erased

Nazim Mustafa. Ankara: Berikan. 2015

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The monuments of Western Azerbaijan

Aziz Alakbarli. Baku: Nurlan. 2007

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The Iravan Khanate: Mosques of Iravan obliterated by Armenian vandals

Nazim Mustafa. Baku: 2016

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My road to Zangezur: documentary, artistic, encyclopedic edition

Flora Khalilzadeh. Baku: Araz. 2007

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The massacres of 1918

Vagif Arzumanli, Vali Majidov, Kamil Mukhtarov. Baku: Oyretmen. 1995

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Atakhan Pashayev. Baku: Azernashr. 1995

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They were born in Zangezur and became immortal in Anatolia

Haji Narimanoglu. Baku, 2012

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Genocide of Azerbaijanis in Iravan Governorate: 1918–1920

Nazim Mustafa. Baku: Elm. 2017

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The Iravan Khanate: Khan’s Palace wiped out by Armenian vandals

Nazim Mustafa. Baku, 2015

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From the history of Armenian nationalism and aggression

Mehman Suleymanov. Baku: Harbi Nashriyyat. 2008

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The genocide committed by Armenians against Azerbaijanis

Oktay Sadigov. Baku: Elm ve tahsil. 2019

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Our toponyms subjected to genocide in Western Azerbaijan

Aziz Alakbarli. Baku: Elm ve tahsil. 2020

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Goycha district: deportations and genocides against Azerbaijanis

Bakhtiyar Ahmadov. Baku, 2021

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Armenian treason or the bloody deeds of Andranik Ozanian

Teymur Ahmadov. Baku: Shirvaneshr. 2001

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Vandalism: genocide against historical names

Baku: Tahsil. 2006

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Literary press monument of Iravan Turks: “Lak-Lak” magazine

Baku: Achig dunya. 2008

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