Teymur Khan Makinsky

Teymur Khan Makinsky was born in 1874 in Iravan. The Makinski family, descendants of the Maku khans living in Iravan, were closely related to the Iravanskis, the successors of the Iravan khans. Teymur Khan Makinsky, one of the founders of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, graduated from the Iravan Gymnasium and then from the Faculty of Law of Warsaw University in 1916 with a first class diploma.

Teymur Khan Makinsky was one of the active participants of the national liberation movement in Azerbaijan at the beginning of the 20th century. Socio-political figure Teymur Khan Makinsky became a member of the Muslim faction of the Transcaucasian Seim, and after the fall of the Transcaucasian Federation, he became a member of the Azerbaijan National Council.

According to the “Law on the Establishment of the Azerbaijan Majlis-Mabusana (Parliament)” dated November 19, 1918 of the National Council, he was included in the composition of the Parliament of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic without elections. In June-October 1918, T. Makinski was the deputy minister of justice of the Azerbaijan government, and from October 20 to the end of December, he was the diplomatic representative of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic to the Armenian government. He was elected the chairman of the board of the Society of Compatriots of Iravan Governorate, which was founded in Baku in January 1919 in order to protect Azerbaijanis living in Iravan province from Armenian oppression.

From December 26, 1918 to March 14, 1919, Teymur Khan Makinsky served as the Minister of Justice in the 3rd government cabinet of Fatali Khan Khoyski. He was the chairman of the military court of Azerbaijan from June 1919 to January 1920, and from March 1920 he was again the diplomatic representative of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic to the Armenian government. After the fall of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, on May 15, 1920, the activities of the diplomatic mission in Iravan were suspended by the Armenian government. A criminal case was opened against T. Makinsky by the Armenian prosecutor’s office for providing financial assistance to our compatriots living in Zangibasar when he was the head of the diplomatic mission, but he was able to secretly leave Iravan and return to Tbilisi on May 28 with the help of the permanent representation of Georgia in Iravan.

Unfortunately, there is no accurate information about the further fate of Teymur Bey Makinsky.

The son of Teymur Bey Makinsky’s uncle, Abbasali Bey Makinsky, who graduated from the law faculty of St. Petersburg University in 1908, worked in the permanent representation of the Azerbaijani government in Iravan. As he knew Russian, English, French and German languages, he defended the rights of Azerbaijanis in diplomatic negotiations. Abbasali Bey Makinski was one of the activists of the Araz-Turk Government established in Nakhchivan in the fall of 1918.