Rajab Pasha Mosque

After the capture of Iravan by the Ottoman troops in 1724, under the order of Rajab Pasha, renovation works were started and in 1725, a mosque named after him was built inside the Iravan fortress. This mosque, which had a spherical dome, was decorated with various oriental ornaments.

After the occupation of Iravan by Russian troops in 1827, the mosque underwent various changes and became a Russian Orthodox church. Cylinder-shaped columns were placed to its facade, a roof was added, and the moon-star symbol on the mosque was replaced by a cross and a church bell.

The German researcher August von Haxthausen, who visited Iravan in August 1843, confirmed the conversion of the Rajab Pasha mosque located in the Iravan fortress into a Russian-Greek church. This monument, then a church, was completely destroyed in the 1930s.

Nazim Mustafa, İrəvan xanlığı: Erməni vandallarının yox etdiyi İrəvan məscidləri (Bakı, 2016)
Гакстгаузен А. Ф., Закавказский край (Санкт-Петербург, 1857, ч. I)