
Khosrov was a village in the territory of the Iravan uezd of the former Iravan governorate, later in the former Vedi (Ararat) district, and present-day Ararat province. It was located near the Kusgayasu River. The name of the village was noted in “The Iravan Province Review Book”.

The village was inhabited by 155 Azerbaijanis in 1873, 182 in 1886, 269 in 1897, 199 in 1904, 388 in 1914 and 315 Azerbaijanis in 1916. The Azerbaijanis were massacred by Armenian armed units or had to leave the village and temporarily seek refuge in the territory of Iran in 1919. After the establishment of Soviet power in present-day Armenia, some of the displaced inhabitants returned to their homes. The village was inhabited by 24 Azerbaijanis in 1922, 34 in 1926 and 31 in 1931. In accordance with the decision of the USSR Council of Ministers “On the resettlement of collective farmers and other Azerbaijani population from Armenian SSR to the Kur-Araz lowlands of the Azerbaijan SSR” dated 23 December 1947, the Azerbaijani population of the village was forcibly deported to Azerbaijan. Later, the village was abolished. At present, it lies in ruins.

The toponym was coined on the basis of the personal name “Khosrov”.