
Gushchu deresi or Gushchu was a village in the territory of the Novo- Bayazid uezd of the former Iravan governorate, later in the former Basarkechar (Vardenis) district, and present-day Gegharkunik province. It was located to the northeast of Lake Goycha and 27 km to the northwest of the village of Basarkechar. “The Iravan Province Review Book” dated in 1728 states that the village was within the Mazra area. The village was destroyed during the Russo-Iranian war of 1826-1828.

According to the cameral census compiled by I. Shopen, the name of the village was placed in the column of “the names of the dead or forgotten villages”. There is no reliable information about the fate of the original inhabitants of the village of Gushchu. According to the remains of the tombstone inscriptions in the ancient cemetery located 200-300 meters apart from the ruins of the village, the Oghuz Turks lived there about 1000-1500 years ago. The ruins of the village of Gushchu are located 4-5 km to the north of the village of Pambak, in the valley surrounded by mountains.