
Ganli or Ganli Allahverdi is a village in the Novo- Bayazid uezd of the former Iravan governorate, later in the former Basarkechar (Vardenis) district, and currently in the Gegharkunik province. The initial name of the village was “Ganli Allahverdi”. Later, the name “Allahverdi” was abbreviated and the village was renamed “Ganli”. The village lies 3 km to the southeast of Basarkechar, nearby the river, on the shores of Lake Goycha. It was marked as “Ganli Allahverdi” on the five-verst map of the Caucasus. The remains of the Oghuz cemetery dating back to the 7th- 8th centuries and the Alban church dating back to the 11th-12th centuries still remain in the village.

The village was inhabited by 99 Azerbaijanis in 1831, 244 in 1873, 317 in 1886, 397 in 1897, 445 in 1908, 476 in 1914 and 403 Azerbaijanis in 1916. In January 1919 the Azerbaijanis were massacred or expelled by Armenian armed groups and the village was burned out. Following the establishment of Soviet power in the territory of present-day Armenia, the Azerbaijanis managed to return to their native villages. The village was inhabited by 165 Azerbaijanis in 1922, 218 in 1926 and 287 Azerbaijanis in 1931. According to the decision of the USSR Council of Ministers “On the resettlement of collective farmers and other Azerbaijani population from the Armenian SSR in the Kur-Araz lowland of the Azerbaijan SSR” dated 23 December 1947, the Azerbaijani population of the village was forcibly deported to Azerbaijan. Some of the deportees later managed to return to their native village. In 1987, 800 Azerbaijanis lived in the village. In 1988 the residents were forcibly expelled from their native lands by the Armenian government for the third time. At present, the village is inhabited by Armenians.

The toponym was coined from the ethnonym “Ganli”, one of the Turkic tribes and the personal name “Allahverdi”. It means “a village belonging to Allahverdi from the Ganli tribe”.

By the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Armenian SSR dated 12 August 1946, the village was renamed “Gamishli”. By the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Armenian SSR dated 9 April 1991, the Turkic land called “Ganli” was merged with the neighboring village of Karkibash in an administrative unit and the merged village was named “Vanevan”. According to the law “On the administrative-territorial division of the Republic of Armenia” dated 7 November 1995, it was integrated into the administrative area of the Gegharkunik province.

Geographical coordinates: latitude: 40°12’ N., longitude: 45°41’ E.