Urud monuments

There were many ram-shaped and chest tombs from to the 15th-17th centuries in the Urud cemetery located in the Urud village of the Garakilsa district of Zangezur mahal (with changed names: Vorotan village of the Sisian district).

The cemetery was discovered in 1961 during a joint expedition of the Institute of Archeology of Armenia and the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of Azerbaijan. On these monuments there were inscriptions engraved in Arabic, Persian, Azerbaijani languages and descriptions of Turkic tribes.

The 15th-17th century ram statue and chest tombs found by Mashadikhanim Nemet, a correspondent member of ANAS, confirm that during this period the Albanian Turkic tribes who lived in Zangezur already accepted Islam. A total of 4 ram statue and 13 chest tombs were enlisted in the cemetery.

After the forced deportation of Azerbaijanis from their historical-ethnic lands in 1987, the monuments of Urud were completely destroyed by Armenians.

Ələkbərli Ə., Qərbi Azərbaycan abidələri (Bakı: “Nurlan”, 2007)
Bayramov İ., Qərbi Azərbaycan: Tarixi həqiqətlər və ya Ermənistanın etnik təmizləmə siyasəti (Bakı, 2011)