Turk Duzkendi

Turk Duzkendi was a village in the territory of the Alexandropol uezd of the former Iravan governorate, later in the former Abaran district, and present-day Aragatsotn province. The village was located on the bank of the Garabulag Riverandatthefootof Alagoz Mountain.

The village was inhabited solely by Azerbaijanis: 379 in 1873, 449 in 1886, 592 in 1897, 713 in 1908, 784 in 1914 and 703 Azerbaijanis in 1916. The Azerbaijanis were attacked, massacred or expelled from the village by Armenian armed groups in 1918. The village was inhabited by the Armenians and the Yazidis removed from Türkiye. Only after the establishment of Soviet power in present-day Armenia the Azerbaijanis managed to return to their village. Along with the Armenians and Kurds, 170 Azerbaijanis lived there in 1922 and 50 Azerbaijanis in 1926. The Azerbaijanis were forced out from the village in 1928–1930. The village was abolished in 1959.

The toponym was coined by combining the ethnonym “Turk” and the words “duz” and “kend” denoting a relief. The village was noted as “Duzkend”, “Turk Duzkendi” or “Tatar Duzkendi” and “Duzkend” in sources. Later, the words “tatar” and “turk” were omitted from the beginning of the ethnonym and the name of the village was officially documented as “Duzkend”.