Soylan bridge

The length of the Soylan bridge, which was built over Arpachay, about 1 kilometer away from Soylan village (with changed names: Vayk village of Azizbeyov/Vayk district) of Pashaly district of Dereleyaz mahal, reached 30 meters. The right side of the bridge was built on a steep rock 32 meters above the Arpachay bank, and the left side stood on a 13.5 x 4.5 meter stone masonry on a steep rock 12 meters above the river level.

It is believed that the bridge was built by Azerbaijanis in the 17th century in order to cross the river. There was an inscription written in Arabic alphabet at 8-9 meters height of the middle column on the right side of the monument.

Ələkbərli Ə., Qərbi Azərbaycan abidələri (Bakı: “Nurlan”, 2007)
Ələkbərli Ə., Qədim Türk-Oğuz yurdu – “Ermənistan” (Bakı: “Sabah”, 1994)
Bayramov İ., Qərbi Azərbaycan: Tarixi həqiqətlər və ya Ermənistanın etnik təmizləmə siyasəti (Bakı, 2011)