Sartib Khan Mosque

In 1906–1911, B.Mehrabov, who worked as a technical officer of the city of Iravan, compiled the plan of the city and the list of architectural monuments there. Sartib Khan Mosque is mentioned in his list as one of the 8 mosques that existed in Iravan.

In 1918–1920 and during first years of Soviet rule, Armenian refugees who fled from the Ottoman Empire were settled in the Sartib Khan Mosque. The mosque was destroyed in the 1980s.

Nazim Mustafa, İrəvan xanlığı: Erməni vandallarının yox etdiyi İrəvan məscidləri (Bakı, 2016)
Шопен И. И., Исторический памятник состояния Армянской области в эпоху её присоединения к Российской империи (СПб., 1852)