
Okhchuberd is a village in the Iravan uezd of the former Iravan governorate, later in the former Ellar (Kotayk, Abovyan) district, and currently in the Kotayk province. The provincial centre lies 52 km to the southwest of the town of Akhta (Hrazdan), at a height of 1,700 m above sea level. “The Iravan Province Comprehensive Data Book” compiled in 1590 points out the existence of the village called “Okhchaberd” in the Iravan area of the Iravan uyezd. “Okhchubert” is the original and ancient name of the village.

The village was inhabited by 73 Azerbaijanis in 1831, 180 in 1873, 143 in 1886, 171 in 1897, 156 in 1904, 298 in 1914 and 493 Azerbaijanis in January 1918. The Azerbaijanis were deported having been exposed to aggression by Armenian armed groups in 1918. Armenians were then moved from Türkiye and settled in the village. After the establishment of Soviet power in the territory of present-day Armenia, the surviving Azerbaijanis were able to return to their ancestral lands. The village was inhabited by 38 Azerbaijanis in 1922, 38 in 1926 and 28 Azerbaijanis in 1931. According to the decision of the USSR Council of Ministers “On the Resettlement of Collective Farmers and Other Azerbaijani Population from the Armenian SSR to the Kur- Araz Lowland of the Azerbaijan SSR” dated 23 December 1947, the Azerbaijani population of the village was forcibly deported to Azerbaijan. At present, the village is inhabited by Armenians.

The toponym was coined by adding the word “bert” (berd) used in the sense of “a difficult place to cross, inaccessible place” to the Turkic ethnonym “Okhchu” derived on the basis of “Ansa Goja oghlu Okhchu” mentioned in “The Book of Dede Korkut”. It means “a place of residence belonging to the Okhchu tribe”. The word “Bert” is used in the Urartian language as “patar” meaning “a town”. At present, the name of the settlement is written as “Voghchaberd” in official documents in Armenian.

According to the law “On the administrative-territorial division of the Republic of Armenia” dated 7 November 1995, it was integrated into the administrative area of the Kotayk province.

Geographic coordinates: latitude 40°09’ N., longitude 44°38’ E.