Mustafa Topchubashov

Mustafa bey Agha bey oglu Topchubashov was born on August 17, 1895 in the village of Goykumbat near Iravan. He graduated from Iravan gymnasium with a gold medal and entered the Faculty of Medicine of Kyiv State University. After completing his studies, he first worked in Nakhchivan and then in Baku. In 1926, he was sent on a scientific mission to Germany. In 1930, he defended his doctoral dissertation on “Clinical, pathological and surgical treatment of malarial plenomegaly” and was elected the head of the Department of Surgery of the Azerbaijan Medical Institute in 1926. In 1937, for the first time in the history of world science of anesthesiology, he discovered the original anesthesia method – analgesia method.

Mustafa Topchubashov was one of the first members of the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences established in 1945. In 1945–1950, he worked as the chief surgeon of the Ministry of Health of the Azerbaijan SSR, in 1945–1948 as the director of the Institute of Experimental Surgery of the Academy of Sciences. In 1949, he was elected a corresponding member of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, and in 1960, a full member. Topchubashov was also an honorary member of the Bulgarian Academy.

Mustafa Topchubashov served as vice-president of the Academy of Sciences of the Azerbaijan SSR twice (1951–1956 and 1969–1981). For many years, he was elected a deputy to the convocations of the Supreme Soviet of Azerbaijan, in 1953–1955 and 1967–1971 he was the chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the Azerbaijan SSR.

Mustafa Bey Topchubashov was awarded the title of “Honored Scientist” in 1940, and “Hero of Socialist Labor” in 1975. In 1943, he was the recipient of the “Stalin” award (USSR State Prize). He was awarded the Order of Lenin 4 times, the Orders of the October Revolution and the Red Banner of Labor and a number of medals.

Academician M.Topchubashov died on November 20, 1981 in Baku.

Əsgər Zeynalov, İrəvan ziyalıları (Bakı: Oğuz eli, 1999)
М.А.Топчибашев. Библиография (Баку: 1965)