Mirabbas Mirbagirov

Mirabbas Mirhuseyn oghlu Mirbagirov was born in the city of Iravan between 1880 and 1885. He graduated from Iravan gymnasium.

Mirabbas Mirbagirov was selling books together with his brother Mirabdullah from a young age. The brothers who opened the “Umud” bookstore in Iravan came to Baku in 1909 and opened a new bookstore there in 1914.

The first article of Mirabbas Mirbagirov was published in “Hayat” newspaper on June 19, 1905. Between 1905 and 1929, about 200 journalistic articles, news, literary translations were published. At first, Mirbagirov established close relations with “Hayat” and “Irshad” newspapers, later he closely cooperated with “Taza Hayat”, “Taraqqi”, “Yeni Irshad”, “Iqbal”, and “Sedayi-haqq” newspapers. His most used signature was “Nadi”.

Continuing his journalistic activities in the following years, he worked in the newspapers “Azerbaijan” during the Republic of Azerbaijan, and during the Soviet period in “Communist”, “Yeni Yol”, “Khalq Maarif”, “Fuqara Fuyuzati”, “Education and culture”, “Newspaper of the Azerbaijan Supreme Economic Council”, “People’s teacher”, “Golden pen”, “Farmer”, “Education worker”, “Economic news” magazines.

Mirabbas Mirbagirov is one of the founders of the theater in Iravan.

7 books of Mirabbas Mirbagirov were published in 1913–1914, 6 of which were original and 1 was a translation. He wrote “Important events of Ottoman history” (Baku, 1913), “Powerful days of the Ottoman government” (1913), “History pages. I. Islamic money. II. The country of Egypt and its history” (1914), “Mr. Yusif and his famous adventure” (1914), “Ottoman marches, songs of the homeland and nation” (1914) and other books.

During the period of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic in January 1919, a delegation led by M. Mirbagirov was sent to Nakhchivan to study the problems of the local population, according to the decision of the Society of Compatriots of the Iravan province and by the order of the Azerbaijan government. The population welcomed the ambassadors of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic with great enthusiasm. On February 22, 1919, the delegation headed by M. Mirbagirov met with the British Governor-General in Nakhchivan and brought to his attention the position of the government of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic regarding Nakhchivan. In addition to the delegation of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, the British Governor-General also participated in the meeting held at the residence of Jafargulu Khan regarding the further fate of the government in Nakhchivan. The representatives of the Azerbaijani government stated that they recognize the government headed by Jafargulu Khan. He participated in the preparation of the text of the Act on the voluntary integration of Nakhchivan into the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic. The act, consisting of clauses related to political, military, economic, material and cultural issues, was signed by the government and members of the National Council, representatives of the population, and approved with the government seal. The work done by the delegation in Nakhchivan entered the history of Azerbaijan as “Mirbagirov mission”.

M.Mirbagirov worked in the USSR People’s Food Commissariat system in the first years of the Soviet rule, in “Communist” newspapers from 1923, in “Yeni yol” newspapers in 1924, and in “Educational Worker” magazine from 1925 to 1929.

The works of Mirbagirov, who had encyclopedic knowledge as an economist, ethnographer, geographer, art critic, literary critic, linguist, pedagogue, and historian, have not lost their scientific value even now.

It is believed that he and his brothers moved to Turkey with his family at the beginning of 1930.