Mammadali Nasir

Mammadali Haji Mammad oglu was born in 1899 in Iravan. Mammadali’s father, Haji Mammad, received a religious education and learned Arabic and Persian languages. Mammadali studied at the Iravan gymnasium in 1908–1914 and learned the Persian language perfectly.

Young Mammadali, who entered the press under the pseudonym Nasir in 1912, published his writings in the newspapers “Sadayi-haqq” and “Iqbal”, published in Baku. In 1914, when the satirical magazine “Lek-Lek” in Azerbaijani language began to be published in Iravan, he appeared in that magazine with poems and articles under the signatures of “Sheytan” and “Widow hen”.

At the end of 1917 and the beginning of 1918, Mammadali Nasir managed to open a political, social and literary newspaper in Iravan called “Javanlar shurasi” together with his colleagues M. Mirfatullayev and T.Rzayev. This newspaper condemned the dirty deeds of the Dashnaks and called on the people to be vigilant and to mobilize. For this reason, the publication of the newspaper was not allowed, it was closed after 3-4 issues. After that, he continued his speeches in “Achig soz” newspaper. M.Nasir was one of the activists of the “Defender of the Oppressed” organization established in Iravan under the leadership of Huseynaga Shahtakhtli.

M.Nasir came to Ganja in 1918 after escaping the persecution of the Dashnaks, and in 1920 the newspaper “Gırmızı Ganja” was published under his editorship. The play “Unhappy Family” written by him was staged in Ganja in 1919.

Mammadali Nasir, a member of the Communist Party since 1917, was invited to Armenia for a leadership position in 1921, worked as the director of the Turkish section of the propaganda department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Armenia until January 1922, and then worked in the “Ranjbar” newspaper.

In 1922–1923, the Caucasus Bureau appointed M.Nasir as the secretary of the party committee in Azgur, Borchali and Garayazi regions of Georgia. In 1926, M.Nasir, who was appointed the head of the Political Education Department in Zagatala by Caucasus Bureau, was invited to work in the “Communist” newspaper in Baku a year later. He worked there for several years as an instructor. In 1931–1934, M.Nasir worked as the editor-in-chief of regional newspapers in Devechi (“Yukselish”), Lachin (“Council Kurdistan”), Aghdam (“Aghdam collective farmer”), Barda (“Golden Barda”), Ali Bayramli (the present city of Shirvan – “Cotton picker”). “), and in Gasim Ismayilov (now Goranboy – “Gasim Ismayilov kolkhozchusu”).

In 1935, he worked as the head of the letters department at “Yeni Yol”. On July 18, 1936, he was subjected to repression and arrested, sentenced to 10 years of exile. He was acquitted in 1956, and since that year, he had continued his work as a reporter in the “Communist” newspaper, where he used to work. At the same time, he made speeches in “Literature and Art”, “Communist”, “Baku” newspapers, “Azerbaijan”, “Kirpi” magazines.

Mammadali Nasir died on April 14, 1982 at the age of 83, and was buried in the city cemetery of Baku.