Maharram Bayramov

Maharram Bagir oghlu Bayramov was born on May 13, 1928 in the village of Ashaghi Nejili of the Ulukhanli district, near Iravan. After finishing the seven-year village school, he studied at the Iravan pedagogical school and worked as a teacher in his native village for a year.

Muharram wanted to continue his education and for this purpose he entered the philology faculty of Azerbaijan State University (now BSU) in 1947. After graduating from this school in 1952, he started working as an instructor at the Central Military Academy of Azerbaijan. He worked in Baku for two years and returned to Iravan in 1954, where he worked as an instructor at the Central Committee of the Komsomol of Armenia. In 1955, M.Bayramov was promoted to the position of instructor of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Armenia.

More responsible positions were entrusted to M.Bayramov, who confirmed himself as a worthy social and political figure and a skilled organizer. In 1964–1966, he worked as the secretary of the Vedi District Party Committee, and in 1966–1969, he worked as a deputy editor in the editorial office of the “Soviet Armenia” newspaper.

Despite the fact that M.Bayramov worked in the highest responsible positions in the state apparatus, it can be said that he did not abandon his philological studies. He regularly published artistic, scientific and journalistic articles in “Literary Armenia” series collections, in 1964 he published the collection of stories “After the Storm” and in 1966 the book “J.Mammadguluzade and A.Shirvanzade” in Iravan.

In the 1960s, M.Bayramov studied part-time at the graduate school of the Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi of the Academy of Sciences of the Azerbaijan SSR, and in 1969, under the guidance of an outstanding literary scholar, academician Mammad Arif, he defended his candidate’s thesis on “A. Shirvanzade and Azerbaijan” and received the degree of candidate in philological sciences. A year later, he published the dissertation in the form of a book in Iravan.

In 1968, M.Bayramov was elected a member of the Writers’ Union of the former USSR. Since 1969, he had been working as the first secretary of the Party Committee in Amasiya district, 95 % of the population of which were Azerbaijanis.

M.Bayramov was the only Azerbaijani in the Armenian delegation when the XXIV party congress was held in Moscow in March-April 1971.

M.Bayramov, who headed the Amasiya region for five years, was the chief editor of the “Soviet Armenia” newspaper from 1974 until the end of his life. In these years, he was elected deputy of the 8th, 9th and 10th convocations of the Supreme Soviet of the Armenian SSR, deputy of the Presidium. He worked as a teacher at the Iravan State Pedagogical Institute for a long time and taught foreign literature. He was awarded the honorary title of “Honored Journalist of the Armenian SSR”.

M.Bayramov died tragically on January 6, 1981. He was buried in Agadeda cemetery in Zangibasar district.

Əsgər Zeynalov, İrəvan ziyalıları (Bakı: Oğuz eli, 1999)