Kekilli shrine

On the road leading to the area called “Sherqmesha” in the area of Yukhari Giretagh village of Gafan district of Zangezur mahal, Seyid Mir Ahmed Agha, one of the prominent religious figures of Zangilan, and several of his relatives were buried.

In the 1950s, the tomb of Mir Ahmed Agha was destroyed by Armenians and his remains were transferred to the village of Pirjavidan, where his son Mir Ali Agha built a tomb over his father’s grave. Kekilli shrine was later destroyed by Armenian vandals.

Ələkbərli Ə., Qərbi Azərbaycan abidələri (Bakı: “Nurlan”, 2007)
Bayramov İ., Qərbi Azərbaycan: Tarixi həqiqətlər və ya Ermənistanın etnik təmizləmə siyasəti (Bakı, 2011)