
Gadikvang is a village in the Sharur-Daralayaz uezd of the former Iravan governorate, later in the former Keshishkend (Yeghegnadzor) district, the Vayots Dzor province. The provincial centre lies 4 km to the northeast of the town of Keshishkend, on the banks of the Erdapin River, adjacent to the Alayaz River, at a height of 2,210 m above sea level. It is marked on the five-verst map of the Caucasus. Although the name of the village is given as “Goturvang”, “Godukhvang”, or “Gedikvang”, its original name is Gadikvang. The name of the village was mentioned in the 10th-century source.

The village was solely inhabited by Azerbaijanis: 142 in 1873, 201 in 1886, 206 in 1897, 126 in 1904, 138 in 1914 and 273 Azerbaijanis in 1916. In 1918 the village residents were attacked by Armenian armed forces and deported. The surviving Azerbaijanis managed to return to their homeland following the establishment of Soviet power in present- day Armenia. The village was inhabited by 71 Azerbaijanis in 1922, 139 in 1926, 171 in 1931, 313 in 1939, 396 in 1970, 537 in 1979 and 600 Azerbaijanis in 1987. The Azerbaijanis were again expelled from their ancestral lands by the Armenian state. At present, the village is inhabited by Armenians.

The toponym was formed by combining the Azerbaijani word “gadik” meaning “a mountain ridge, passage”, “a sunken place on the mountain ridge, passage, mountain pass”, and the word “vang” meaning “a religious temple, church, monument”.

The name of the village was adapted to the Armenian language and is referred to as “Getikvank”. According to the law “On the administrative-territorial division of the Republic of Armenia” dated 7 November 1995, it was integrated into the administrative territory of the Vayots Dzor province.

Geographical coordinates: latitude: 39°55’ N., longitude: 45°28’ E.