From the speech of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev at the opening of the IX Global Baku Forum

16 June 2022

If Armenia continues to put under question Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity then Azerbaijan will have no other choice but also put under question Armenian territorial integrity. And from historical point of view, we have much more rights to do it. Because the history of the last century clearly shows that in November 1920, six months after sovietization of Azerbaijan, the Soviet government took historical part of Azerbaijan – Zangezur and annexed it to Armenia. Therefore, if Armenia will demand status for Armenians in Karabakh, why shouldn’t Azerbaijanis demand status for Azerbaijanis in Western Zangezur? Because it was fully inhabited by Azerbaijanis. So, this way will lead to a deadlock and I think Armenian government should not forget the lessons of the second Karabakh war.