From the speech of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev at the ceremony dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic

8 April 2014

In the past, an injustice was done to our people, when Zangezur, Azerbaijani land from time immemorial, was partitioned from Azerbaijan and given to Armenia. This was a great injustice – as Zangezur is a historical Azerbaijani land from time immemorial. Azerbaijanis made up the absolute majority of the population of Zangezur then. The names of all of the settlements of Zangezur were Azerbaijani names. Therefore injustice and ill-will towards the Azerbaijani people played the key role in the adoption of this decision. At the same time, by this decision, Azerbaijan was divided into two parts geographically. The great Turkic world was divided into two parts at the same time. This is an injustice, a running sore.