From the opening speech of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev at the annual general assembly of the National Academy of Sciences

26 April 2011

Our scientists positively responded to my appeal and created wonderful works on the history of this region based on real facts in a short period of time. Most importantly, works on the history of the Iravan Khanate are of special importance, because unfortunately, the world community was almost unaware that the present-day Armenian state had been established on historical Azerbaijani lands.

…With our initiatives, appeals to history and specific evidence, we have substantiated our position that Iravan was handed over to Armenia as its capital by the Azerbaijani state in 1918. Most of the population in the Iravan Khanate was Azerbaijani. The Zangezur region is an ancient Azerbaijani land and was artificially handed over to Armenia. The handover of the Zangezur region to Armenia was a great injustice. Part of our land was annexed to Armenia. This had a great negative impact. This divided the entire Turkic world. Today the Turkic world is geographically divided.