
Dallar was a village in the territory of the Novo-Bayazid uezd of the former Iravan governorate, later in the former Akhta (Hrazdan) district, and present-day Kotayk province. It was located 13 km to the northwest of the settlement of Akhta (Hrazdan) and on the bank of the Dallar River, the tributary of the Zangi River at the foot of Zingirli Mountain. The name of the village was noted in “The Iravan Province Review Book” and marked on the five-verst map of the Caucasus.

The village was inhabited by 181 Azerbaijanis in 1831, 227 in 1873, 267 in 1886, 303 in 1897, 385 in 1908, 597 in 1914 and 337 Azerbaijanis in 1916. The Azerbaijanis were attacked, massacred or ousted from the village by Armenian armed formations in 1918. Later, the village was abolished. At present, it lies in ruins.

The toponym was coined by adding the plural suffix “-lar” to the Turkic ethnonym “tele/deli” which was part of the tribal confederation of the Huns.