
Chivinli is a village in the Kars uezd of the former Kars province, in the former Amasiya (Aghbaba) district, and currently in the Shirak province. The provincial centre lies at a distance of 37 km of the town of Gumru, on the border between Türkiye and Georgia, and at a height of 2,125 m above sea level. It was marked on the five-verst map of the Caucasus.

The village was inhabited by the Garapapags, one of the ethnographic groups of the Azerbaijanis. In the historical literature the name of the village is mentioned as Guluseyran. The village was inhabited by 270 Azerbaijanis in 1905 and 350 Azerbaijanis in 1914. The village was within the South- western Caucasian Republic established in Kars in 1918–1919. In February 1920 the village was devastated as a result of the attack of Armenian armed groups, its population had to move to the villages of the former Kars province. Following the Treaty of Kars, a part of the inhabitants returned to the village. The village was inhabited by 234 Azerbaijanis in 1922, 294 in 1926, 324 in 1931, 349 in 1939, 301 in 1959, 522 in 1970, 566 in 1979 and 534 Azerbaijanis in 1987. In winter 1989 the Azerbaijanis were driven out by the government of Armenia. At present, only Armenians live in the village.

The name of the settlement was formed on the basis of the Turkic ethnonym “Jinli”- the ancient form is “jen”,which constitutes a branch of the Kangarli tribe. The sound combination “vi” has probably been added later on and the word acquired a form “chivinli”.

The village was renamed “Yeghnajur” by the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Armenian SSR dated 3 April 1991. According to the law “On the administrative-territorial division of the Republic of Armenia” dated 7 November 1995, it was integrated into the administrative territory of the Shirak province.

Geographic coordinates: latitude: 41°05’ N., longitude: 43°33’ E.