Aghadede shrine

Aghadede shrine, the most famous shrine of Zangibasar mahal, was located on the banks of the Garasu River near the village of Gulujan. Located in the vicinity of Ulukhanli, Habilkand, Seyidkand, Sarvanlar villages, the most respected people of the time were buried in this cemetery, and this cemetery was visited by both Muslims and Christians.

After mass deportation of Azerbaijanis from Zangibasar mahal since 1987, this shrine was destroyed by Armenian vandals, tombstones were broken and the dome temple was destroyed.

Ələkbərli Ə., Qərbi Azərbaycan abidələri (Bakı: “Nurlan”, 2007)
Bayramov İ., Qərbi Azərbaycan: Tarixi həqiqətlər və ya Ermənistanın etnik təmizləmə siyasəti (Bakı, 2011)