Yukhari Goylasar

Yukhari Goylasar is a village in the Iravan uezd of the former Iravan governorate, in the former Gamarli (Ashtarak) district, and currently in the Ararat province. Another name for the village was “Ulya Goylasar”. The provincial centre is located 8 km to the northwest of the town of Gamarli and at a height of 865 m above sea level. It was noted as “Yukhari Guyuluhasar” in “The Iravan Province Comprehensive Data Book”.

The main inhabitants of the village were Azerbaijanis. Armenians were removed to the village from the Khoy and Salmas provinces of Iran in 1828–1830. Along with the Armenians, the village was inhabited by 121 Azerbaijanis in 1831, 157 in 1873, eight in 1886 and five in 1897. Starting from the late 1870s the Azerbaijanis were forced out from the village and in 1905- 1906 were completely ousted by Armenian militants. At present, the village is inhabited by Armenians. The fort in the large central square of the village was surrounded by high thick walls and had 20 towers at the corners.

The name of the village was originated from that fort. Goylasar is a distorted form of “Galahasar”, a combination of the words “gala” and “hasar” which means “a walled fortress”. The word “yukhari” at the beginning of the toponym denotes a distinctive feature.

By the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Armenian SSR dated 20 August 1945, the village was renamed “Bambakavan”, and by decision dated 25 January 1978, renamed “Byuravan”. According to the law “On the administrative-territorial division of the Republic of Armenia” dated 7 November 1995, it was integrated into the administrative territory of the Ararat province.

Geographic coordinates: latitude 44°00’ N., longitude 44°31’E.