
Garakilsa is a village in the Borchali uezd of the former Tiflis governorate, later in the former Vorontsovka (Kalinino) district, and currently in the Lori province. The provincial centre lies 50 km to the northwest of the town of Boyuk Garakilsa (Vanadzor), at a height of 1,650 m above sea level. It was marked on the five-verst map of the Caucasus as “Garakilis”.

There were two villages called “Garakilsa” in that area: Boyuk Garakilsa and Kichik Garakilsa. Along with the Armenians, Boyuk Garakilsa was inhabited by eight Azerbaijanis in 1831. Kichik Garakilsa was inhabited by 106 Azerbaijanis in 1886. In the 1990s the Azerbaijanis were deported by Armenian armed forces. Currently, the village is inhabited only by Armenians.

By the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Armenian SSR dated 25 January 1978, the village was renamed “Lernahovit”, and by the decree of the President of the Republic of Armenia dated 4 December 1995, it was renamed “Lernovit”. According to the law “On the administrative-territorial division of the Republic of Armenia” dated 7 November 1995, it was integrated into the administrative territory of the Lori province.

Geographical coordinates: latitude: 41°09’ N., longitude: 44°26’ E.