
Tokhmaggol is a lake in the Iravan uezd of the former Iravan governorate, now in the territory of the city of Iravan. It is located to the east of the city of Iravan. The river was marked on the five-verst map of the Caucasus.

A big lake with the length of 400 sazhins and width of 250 sazhins was created and new irrigation canals were laid to irrigate urban territory by Iravan ruler Muhammad khan during the reign of the Muhammad Khudabanda (1578–1587).

“Tokhmag” was the nickname of Muhammad khan who was from the Ustajli tribe of the Gizilbash. The lake was named “Tokhmaggol” in honour of Muhammad khan Tokhmag. After being reconstructed during the Soviet years, it was renamed “Lake Shaumyan”. The local people call the lake “Tokhmaggol” even today.