Lambali bridges

There were bridge arches over the Tona River in Lambali village of Barana district of Loru mahal (with changed names: Bagratashen village of Noyemberyan district), where Azerbaijanis densely populated.

Three bridges connecting the villages of Lambali and Sadakhli were located on the ancient Silk Road, connecting the mountainous and lowland parts of Borchali.

This bridge, built in the 17th-18th centuries, was demolished during the Russian-Iranian wars in the 19th century.

Ələkbərli Ə., Qərbi Azərbaycan abidələri (Bakı: “Nurlan”, 2007)
Ələkbərli Ə., Qədim Türk-Oğuz yurdu – “Ermənistan” (Bakı: “Sabah”, 1994)
Bayramov İ., Qərbi Azərbaycan: Tarixi həqiqətlər və ya Ermənistanın etnik təmizləmə siyasəti (Bakı, 2011)